Get BodyCode Certified!
BodyCode System Certification
The outstanding feature of the BodyCode System® Certification Course is that each student is able to participate in instruction as it is experienced from the various perspectives of being a teacher, a student, and an observer. This approach guarantees you will emerge with a comprehensive understanding of the theory as well as confidence in your ability to provide concise and effective instruction.
Certification Courses & Workshop Info
Certification Courses & Workshop Info
We offer Master Stretch® and Elvis the BodyKey® Certification Courses. If you would like to get certified in both, join our Combined Intensive Course. Certification Courses are held in-person within the NJ/NYC area. Workshops are offered throughout the year as a way to refresh and expand your BodyCode training.
Why Get Certified?
Worldwide Recognition
Certification allows you to incorporate BodyCode System methods into your practice and brings worldwide recognition to your credentials through BodyCode System's International Certification Program
Decode Movement Patterns
Understanding the full potential of the system created by Pino Carbone, you will be capable of identifying complex movement patterns
Increase Functional Capacity
Fitness, dance, athletic, and rehabilitation (physical therapy) professionals can increase the functional capacity of their clients in a very short time using BodyCode System's whole body approach to movement

“You cannot always control what goes on outside. But you can always control what goes on inside.”